Events and exhibitions which Akan participates in or arrange during the school year.
November 2021
The course KreaMix Akan has an exhibition “Stilleben av Kreamix” at Borgå folkakademi, Runeberginkatu 16-18, Porvoo during the period 23.11.2021-14.1.2022.

December 2021
8.12 Wednesday 18:00,
Information evening at distance for parents/guardians and class 9 at Kungsvägens skolan in Nickby hjärta in Sibbo.
10.12.2021 Friday 19:00
The study programs in music and dance at Borgå folkakademi (Akan) take over Kulturhuset Grand’s stage on December 10 at 19.00 for a dazzling all-night show! The audience is offered the best pieces of what we did during the autumn term. And no, this is not a Christmas show … but still maybe a little.
Welcome to celebrate creativity with us!
Program sheet 10 €.
February 2022