Two weeks ago, in October, Mario Muñoz and I had the great honour and pleasure to participate in the first International Staff Meeting of the Erasmus + project in common; “Adults employment, inclusion”, at the University of Oviedo in Gijón, Asturias, north western Spain.
It was very nice meeting all the people. First of all the lovely hosts and coordinators Javier and Ángeles & co, and of course Ester and Juan Andrés from Castilla León, Pietro and Francesco from Italy, Sylwester and Sebastian from Poland.

Except of visiting interesting places like the University of Oviedo and the cities Oviedo and Gijón, we had delicious food and, maybe most important, we had a wonderful time in a warm and friendly atmosphere – from the first meeting on Sunday evening at the sidrería, until the last closing meeting on Tuesday afternoon.
It was nice leaving everybody, knowing that we will meet again. Either in Gijón, or Poland, or some of the other places represented in the project.
After the first impression it seems that although we have adult education, employment and social inclusion as our common points in this project, we still work in quite different contexts. We therefore do things in practice in quite different ways. In other words, I am sure we are all going to learn many new interesting things to bring back to, and implement, at our working places.
Thank you, gracias to all the participants for making this possible!
Katinka von Kraemer